What's in the Mix?

Heya, I'm Kake.  My online career started in February 2018 with the desire to have my own work, rules, schedule and a little extra money to shop for what I truly wanted.

 I love to chat, dance and tease. I always try to get to know EveryBunny. I don't expect anything from anybun but being fun, respectful and supportive. I constantly seek to improve my content and the quality, which is why all my earnings are most likely invested back into my work.


I'm what most would consider a "Jack of All Trades"

I love learning & experiencing new things.

I created KakeMix to have a main area for all things I love and what I can offer.


**TCK is a pseudonym.

Due to past issues, I'd like to be recognized

as TrippyCarrotKake rather than my true name

while working within KakeMix online.

If you know me personally/locally please respect this.**


Below is a list of organizations and projects KakeMix will be associated with.

Charrmette was inspired by my spiritual journey & deep desire to share old and new wisdom with all who seek. I was born in a small town to a family of religious folks who are truly wonderful beings, growing up I was taught to do what feels right & I realized I wanted to follow my own path. I wasn't exposed to these “alternative” religions and “Spiritual practices” until the age of 13 when I started studying & practicing Eclectic Witchcraft.

Through a Moldavite meditation in 2015 I came to the most intense experiences of my life,

enlightenment, my spiritual awakening. The experience was the complete opposite of gentle and gradual.

I went from seeing only black and white, to seeing colors

that don’t even exist on the color spectrum we know. Each day I learn something new.

There's never an end to learning. I truly believe that's the best part!

I thank the Universe every day for what I have in the moment. I look at earth, society, & the Universe a whole new way!♡

Since its inception in 2016, GaiaWins has devoted itself to educate, advocate,

and use direct action to save lands and waters all over the world.

Helping to keep the Earth THRIVING so every soul here can live a safe and healthy life.

MoonPie is a Sugar Cravin' Fae who loves to be silly and free.

An OC Cosplay. She is a Faery with a Sugar Obsession, without it she can become vengeful

until she gets that sweet tooth satisfaction. Her hair can transform with different sweets she eats!

You can see MoonPie on TikTok most of the time.

QueenSugar is an online creator, mostly known in the TikTok Community.

She helps assist with Charrmette & GaiaWins

Duckie creates his own wine, mead, & beer under the brand Quack'd Crafts,

alongside wood and metal projects.

Sometimes he uses TikTok as an outlet to share his *raw opinions with the world. 

He also helps assist with Charrmette & GaiaWins.